Green Parts POS

Enable a world-class buying experience for used part buyers

Built by Partly


Enable a world-class buying experience for used part buyers

The Partly Point of Sale system for Dismantlers allows staff to easily find and match customer inquiries with the items in your yard. The Partly ‘Perfect Part’ algorithm automatically chooses the best part to supply based on grade, location etc. making sure the sales team not only supply a part that fits, but the best part that fits.

This PoS leverages Partly’s standardised OEM data to match against the correct inventory items, through Partly Researched and user-created supersessions managed in the Partly PIM. This end to end PoS enables a dismantling yard to trade in an ever more automated and efficient manner than an OEM, even without the same knowledge or resources, while covering a more diverse catalogue.


  • Find the exact matches in your warehouse or yard for a customer enquiry, and automatically select the most suitable based on price, grade, location etc.
  • Intuitive flow that allows any retail customer to easily find exactly the parts that they need.
  • Automatically accept payments, creating a fully self-service flow.
  • Have customer and customer type-specific rules and discounts to capture complex business needs.